Edited by Victor Sirotek for MAC: November 13th and 23rd, 1995
December 10, 1994 EST: Anniversary Edition
Written by: Hank Leukart (ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu)
"DOOM: Where the sanest place... is behind a trigger."
"DOOM: Such mayhem the likes of which have never
been witnessed in this particular dimension!"
This FAQ is to aid in informing the public about the game DOOM
and DOOM II, by id Software. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion. Additionally, Hank Leukart claims NO responsibility regarding ANY illegal activity concerning this FAQ, or indirectly related to this FAQ. The information contained in this FAQ only reflects id Software indirectly, and questioning id Software regarding any information in this FAQ is not recommended.
All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so
acknowledged: id Software, DOOM, DOOM II, Apogee, Wolfenstein 3-D, Creative Labs, WaveBlaster, Sound Blaster, Advanced Gravis, Gravis UltraSound (GUS), Gravis Gamepad, Forte, Roland, Roland Sound Canvas, Pro Audio Spectrum, IBM, Microsoft, MS-DOS, Atari, and Jaguar. Any trademarks not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged.
This article is Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hank Leukart. All rights reserved.You are granted the following rights:
I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as
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[1] Introduction
*1-1* A word from Hank Leukart
[1-2] About the "Official" DOOM FAQ
(1-2-1) About the "Official" DOOM ASCII Logo
[1-3] Getting the "Official" DOOM FAQ
[1-4] Adding to the FAQ
[1-5] The DOOM Mailing List
[1-6] Acknowledgments
[1-7] Accurate Information
[2] What is DOOM?
[3] What makes DOOM different from Wolfenstein 3-D?
[3-1] Texture-Mapped Environment
[3-2] Non-Orthogonal Walls
[3-3] Light Diminishing/Light Sourcing
[3-4] Variable Height Floors and Ceilings
[3-5] Environment Animation and Morphing
[3-6] Palette Translation
[3-7] Multiple Players
[3-8] Smooth, Seamless Gameplay
*3-9* New Monsters and Artificial Intelligence
*3-10* Weapons
[3-10-1] What does BFG9000 stand for?
[4] Who created DOOM?
[4-1] How can I contact id Software?
[5] What are the differences between the different releases of DOOM?
(5-1) What is the shareware release?
[5-2] What is the mail-order release?
[5-3] What makes the six versions different?
(5-4) What is the commercial release?
[5-5] I bought DOOM in a store, is it illegal?
(5-6) What is WinDOOM?
*5-7* What other DOOM ports are in the works?
[6] Where can I get DOOM and related information?
[6-1] How can I get the shareware release?
*6-1-1* What are the file names?
[6-1-2] How can I get DOOM using FTP?
[6-1-3] How can I get DOOM using AFS?
[6-1-4] How can I get DOOM on a BBS?
*6-2* How can I get the mail-order release?
*6-3* How can I get the commercial release (DOOM II) and patch?
[6-4] How can I get the DOOM Specs for creating add-on utilities?
[6-5] Where can I get the serial play and node building source code?
[6-6] What books about DOOM are available?
*6-7* Where can I find World Wide Web sites about DOOM?
[7] What is needed to run DOOM?
*7-1* What is REQUIRED to run DOOM?
*7-2* What sound cards does DOOM support?
[7-3] What game controllers does DOOM support?
[8] How can I use multiple players in DOOM?
[8-1] How does the multi-player gameplay work?
[8-1-1] How does pausing, saving, and loading work?
[8-1-2] What are the different uniform colors for?
[8-1-3] How does a player see what others are doing?
[8-1-4] How do players communicate using Chat Mode?
[8-1-5] How do the weapons work?
[8-1-6] What happens when a player dies?
[8-1-7] Can players exchange supplies?
[8-1-8] Miscellaneous
[8-2] What exactly is "DeathMatch" mode?
[8-3] How does DOOM work with networks?
(8-3-1) What are the network command line parameters for DOOM?
[8-3-2] How does DOOM determine player colors?
[8-3-3] How can I use DOOM on Novell Netware Lite?
[8-3-4] How can I use DOOM on other types of networks?
[8-3-5] How can I set up a small inexpensive DOOM network?
[8-4] How can I play DOOM by serial link?
[8-5] How can I play DOOM over the Internet?
(8-5-1) How can I play DOOM using IHHD?
*8-5-2* How can I play DOOM using iDOOM?
[8-6] How can I setup DOOM to be played on a multi-player BBS?
(8-7) Where can I find multi-player partners?
[9] How can I cheat in DOOM?
*9-1* What are the DOOM cheat codes?
*9-2* What command line parameters exist?
[9-2-1] What do the dots that appear in development mode mean?
[10] Can someone tell me how to...?
[10-1] Where are the DOOM secret levels?
[10-1-1] Knee-Deep in the Dead?
[10-1-2] The Shores of Hell
(10-1-3) Inferno
(10-2) Where are the secret doors in DOOM?
*10-2-1* DOOM I Secrets
*10-2-1-1* Secret Master List
*10-2-1-2* Secrets in Detail
*10-2-2* DOOM II Secrets
*10-2-2-1* Secret Master list
*10-2-2-2* Secrets in Detail
[10-3] When should I use each weapon?
[10-4] Where can I get each weapon for the first time?
[10-5] Where can I find the various powerups in the game?
*10-5-1* DOOM I
*10-5-2* DOOM II
*10-5-3* How much do health and armor items help me?
[10-6] How powerful is the ammunition?
[10-6-1] How much ammunition is obtained from picking up
the various types?
[10-7] How many enemies are in the entire game?
*10-7-1* DOOM I
*10-7-1-1* The entire game
*10-7-1-2* Knee Deep in the Dead
*10-7-1-3* Shores of Hell
*10-7-1-4* Inferno
*10-7-2* DOOM II
*10-7-2-1* Levels 1-11
*10-7-2-2* Levels 12-22
*10-7-2-3* Levels 23-32
[10-8] How many shots does it take to kill each enemy?
(10-9) Which enemies will attack each other?
*11* What is DOOM add-on software and where can I get it?
*11-1* If I don't have FTP access, how can I get these files?
[12] What cheating utilities have been made for DOOM?
[13] What add-on utilities allow me to alter DOOM?
[13-1] BSP v1.2x
*13-2* DEHACKED v2.1
(13-3) Deframed v1.0
*13-4* DEU v5.3
*13-5* DMapEdit v3.01
[13-6] DMAUD v1.1
[13-6-1] DMFE v0.0.1
[13-7] DMGRAPH v1.1
[13-8] DMMUSIC v1.0a
*13-9* DOOMCAD v4.3 and v5.0
[13-10] DOOM Color Changer
*13-11* DOOM Construction Kit v1.1a
[13-12] DOOMDump v0.9
[13-13] DOOM Editor: The Real Thing v2.60b4
*13-14* DOOMLaunch v1.00
[13-15] DOOMTOOL
[13-16] DOPE v1.02
*13-17* EdMap v1.23
[13-18] IDBSP v1.0
[13-19] Jumble v3.0
[13-20] MDE: My DOOM Editor v0.90b
[13-21] Move Level v2.0
[13-22] MUS2PWAD v1.0
[13-23] NodeNav v0.8
[13-24] RanDOOM v1.65
[13-25] REJECT v1.0
[13-26] Renegade Graphics DOOMED v1.1c/e
[13-27] RENWAD
*13-28* UltEd v1.00b
[13-29] VERDA v0.20
[13-30] VERDA Node Builder v1.05
*13-31* WADED v1.42
[13-32] WAD Extended Tools v1.0
[13-33] WAD Hacker v2.0
[13-34] WADMASTER v0.5
[13-35] WADNAME
[13-36] Wads_Up v1.1
[13-37] WAD Tools v1.0
[14] What add-on data files exist for DOOM?
*14-1* Graphics
[14-2] Missions
*14-2-1* DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking
[14-2-2] PWAD Authoring Template v1.4
*14-3* Sounds
*14-4* Music
*14-5* LMPs (Recordings)
*14-6* DEHACKED patches
[15] What other miscellaneous DOOM add-ons exist?
*15-1* APCiDOOM v5.1
[15-2] BNUDOOM v1.26
*15-3* DeuTex and DeuSF v2.9
[15-4] DIRPWAD
[15-5] DOOMBSP Source Code
*15-6* DOOM Color Changer v2.0
*15-7* DOOM Control Center v3.0
*15-8* DOOM EasyWAD v1.11
*15-9* DOOMED v1.666
*15-10* DOOMED v1.6b
*15-11* DOOM Front End v3.10
*15-12* DOOM!gate v1.6
[15-13] The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.0
(15-14) The DOOM Help Service
(15-15) The DOOM Honorific Titles
*15-16* DOOMLaunch v1.00
[15-17] DOOM Launcher for OS/2 v1.1
[15-18] The DOOM Level Design FAQ v1.1
[15-19] DOOMLOAD v4.0
*15-20* DOOM/Master v3.0
*15-21* DOOMenu v17.0
[15-22] DOOM Modem Contact List R7
[15-24] DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b
[15-25] DOOM Utilities v0.1
[15-26] DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c
*15-27* DOOM.WAD Patch v1.666
[15-28] The DOOM IPX Network FAQ v1.2
*15-29* iDOOM v1.1
*15-30* Internet DOOM Client/Server System v0.12
[15-31] LNTYP v1.01
[15-32] MIDI2MUS
[15-33] OLDIPX.ZIP
*15-34* SER6.ZIP
[15-35] The Ultimate DOOM Maps
*15-36* The Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.666
[16] Future add-on software
[16-1] Add-on software wish list
[16-2] Add-on software in the making
[17] Why won't DOOM work correctly?
[17-1] How can I use SMARTDRV.EXE with DOOM?
[17-2] Why am I getting an "OUT OF MEMORY" error with DOOM?
[17-3] Why does DOOM crash when I start it?
[17-4] How can I run DOOM under OS/2?
[18] Why won't my sound card work with DOOM?
[18-1] Why won't my Sound Blaster v1.0 or v1.5 work with DOOM?
[18-2] Why won't my Sound Blaster Pro work with DOOM?
[18-3] Why won't my Gravis UltraSound work with DOOM?
[18-4] Why does the game crash when using my Gravis UltraSound?
[18-5] Why won't my Pro Audio Spectrum 16 work with DOOM?
[18-6] Why won't my ATI Stereo-F/X work with DOOM?
[19] Miscellaneous DOOM problems
[19-1] Why won't my mouse work with DOOM?
[19-1-1] Why does my mouse start moving itself during play?
[19-1-2] Why won't my two button mouse work with DOOM?
[19-1-3] Why won't my IBM PS/2 mouse work with DOOM?
[19-2] Why does netDOOM seem to crash at certain times?
[19-3] Why won't my modem work with DOOM?
[19-4] Why is my network slowing down when using DOOM?
[19-5] Why won't the v1.666 patch install correctly?